Quran Nasim Rezwan

Quran Nasim Rezwan

Nasim Rezvan Quran is very light, fast and with full features such as reader selection, illustrated translation, calligraphy, text size, interpretation, search, etc. It is one of the most complete Quran applications with unique features.

reciter Parhizkar, Manshawi, Mu'taz Aghaei, Khalil Al-Husari
Translators Fooladvand, Makarem Shirazi, Maleki
Font Vazeh, Muhammad (PBUH), Osmanatah, Neyrizi
Possibilities Playing the translation audio and text of the Quran, Othman Taha calligraphy with full observance of the Tajweed symbols of this calligraphy, interpretation of light, searching the text of the Quran, the possibility of diminishing illegible letters and ...

Quran Nasim Rezvan web based

Runs without the need to download and install any software (via app.nasimrezvan.com/quran ) Applicable in any operating system, including Android, iPhone, Windows, smart TVs, etc. Applicable on mobile phones that do not have enough free space. It is always up to date and on the latest version

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

  • Applicable without the need for internet (after the first run)
  • Very low volume (the whole section of the Quran uses less than 2 MB of Internet traffic (excluding the sound of verses and the sound of translation) and this is only for the first time and the next volume of Internet is not used, except for the sound of verses and translation)
  • Smart update (in future updates, only the modified parts will be downloaded and updated again)

Application settings

The following modes can be displayed in the settings page:

How to display

Display verse and translation together (default) Show only verses in a row

Choice of reciter

In this section, by clicking on the name of each reader, the desired reader will be selected, and a description of the selected reader will be displayed. On the left side of each reciter, there is a speaker icon, which by clicking on it, a sample of specific verses of the Quran is played with the reciter's voice so that users can better compare.

Ability to select how to play verses

Play the verse only Play the translation only Play the verse and translate together (default) and in addition the user can activate the repeat option which, if enabled, has the following types: Repeat the verse (suitable for Quranic memorizers who are memorizing verses) Repetition of a page (suitable for Quranic memorizers who have just memorized the page and must constantly review) Repetition of a surah (suitable for those who have finished reading a surah several times, or want to ponder on the surah and want to recite it many times To hear).

Ability to select translations

In this section, by clicking on the name of each translator, the desired translation will be selected, and also a description of the selected translation will be displayed. To the left of each translation is a speaker icon, which, when clicked, plays a sample audio translation of specific verses of the Qur'an with the voice of the speaker so that users can better compare.

Select calligraphy and font

There is a "Preview" box at the bottom of the calligraphy box that shows a live preview of the settings made on the calligraphy on specific verses. Of course, this preview is not limited to calligraphy, and if, for example, settings such as "translate" or "display illegible letters" change, their preview can also be seen live in this section.

Text size and coarseness

For those who may not be able to see the text well with the current size, it is possible to change the size and thickness (BOLD) of the text.

Play verses with obligatory prostration: By disabling this option, if the audio playback reaches a verse with obligatory prostration, that verse will be skipped and its sound will not be played. This option is useful if you are listening to the Quran in public or playing it for everyone.

Keep screen on: This feature is enabled by default. With this feature enabled, the mobile screen will not turn off automatically (unless you turn it off manually) while you are on the Quran verse list page.

Mute illegible letters: This feature is enabled by default. When this feature is enabled, illegible letters are displayed dimly so that those who are at the level of reading and psychic reading of the Qur'an (or weaker than it) can easily recognize these letters and not misread the Qur'an.

Delete the description in the translation: By activating this feature, the description in the translation text lab (which is normally seen as less than the rest of the translated text) is completely removed from the text.

Other features:

Trying to equalize the sound level of readers and the sound of translations The sound level of the different audio files of the readers and the translations were very different from each other, which has been tried to be as uniform as possible (and this effort continues!)

Ability to stop and resume audio playback using the handsfree in the web version In the web version, there is the ability to control audio playback with connected audio control devices. For example, you can mute the sound with the handsfree buttons, or you can stop or resume the sound on a desktop computer with the volume control keys on the keyboard (if any). You can even stop or resume audio playback on the phone lock screen!

Create a sign of the end of the Quran per page For those who use this program to finish the Quran, it is possible to put a mark on the page of any page they want to finish. Then in the future they can quickly access the same place.

Select different chapters, components and pages for ease of future access By clicking on the star icon next to each surah, component or page, it can be added to the selected list, to make it easier to access in the future.

Quick settings

Settings On the same page of the Quran player, for easier access to a series of frequently used settings, in the bottom bar of the page, there are settings such as changing the type of verse repetition, changing the reciter and translation, and changing the calligraphy and font size.


Each existing calligraphy has its own unique characteristics. For example, in Uthman's calligraphy, all the signs and rules of Tajweed in the Uthman's Qurans will be present in the text of the Qur'an. Or in clear calligraphy and Muhammad (PBUH) places where we meet the residents by showing a small "n", the user explains how to read it. In clear calligraphy, Muhammad (PBUH) and Osmanateh can also display illegible letters in a small way, and this can be enabled or disabled through settings.


Othman Taha's calligraphy is not limited to the style of writing words (a simple font) and what has marked this calligraphy in specialized sessions and courses of the Qur'an is its exact Tajweed signs (according to Hafs's narration from Asim). However, in most Qur'anic programs, the production inside this principle is not observed, and if the font of Osman Taha is seen in these programs, it is limited to a simple font without exact Tajweed signs. But in the Qur'an section of Nasim Rezvan, the calligraphy of Uthman includes all these exact Tajweed symbols. For a better understanding, we will suffice with just one example of these symptoms



She has been recommended by professors for teaching recitation in specialized sessions, and her recitation has long been popular.

Khalil Al-Husari

Due to her delicacy in observing the rules of Tajweed and the slow speed of her recitation, she is highly recommended for teaching Tajweed and reciting and reciting the Qur'an.

Mu'taz Aghaei

He is one of the few reciters who has recited the recitation with great speed (Tahdir). Their voice is recommended for memorizers who review their archives quickly, or those who want to finish the Qur'an quickly.


She is one of the first Iranian reciters whose complete recitation has been recorded and has long been used in Quranic software.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do we need to install an application to use the Quran section of Nasim Rezvan?

    No, you can use Nasim Rezvan facilities by using the link app.nasimrezvan.com .

  • What are the features of Nasim Rezvan Quran section?

    Ability to select reader, select translator, select font, resize text, and other advanced settings.